
A hotspot of biological diversity

The Sahyadri is wildly alive with the vibrance of a life that is dependent on a very fragile ecosystem under threat. Our research and ecological surveys help to compile an accurate database of the biodiversity of Shillim and its many habitats. The Shillim Institute documents evolving patterns in the ecosystem, along with the changes and disruptions involved with it.

The research helps to create a database detailing the flora and fauna of native, non-native and endemic species. This study on ecology also helps to structure the Institute’s future projects on biodiversity across the Western Ghats. The Shillim Institute shares opportunities to discover nature in its varied multitudes to understand unique animals, plants, and organisms, studying their life cycles and discovering interesting ways as to how this ecological balance can be preserved.

Eco-responsive planning

Conservation Effort So Far…

Eco-responsive planning approach was followed since beginning of the project in 2002.  The land use was carefully planned to conserve and have less impact on land while  doing any developmental activities. In forest conservation program, following key points marked the success of the project,

  1. Change in land use, from shifting cultivation areas to protected area
  2. Involvement  of  local  people  as forest  guards,  giving  them good employment  opportunity & helping in forest regeneration
  3. Planting thousands of native plant species every year to strengthen the forest  development work

At Shillim

We Try To Conserve And Plant Native Species